All You Need Is Love

All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
All you need is love (all together now)
All you need is love (everybody)
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.

I am sure you have all heard this Beatles' song. Some of the Beatles music was very spiritually profound for the time.

I recently attempted to explain to someone the meaning of 'The Light' and 'Increasing One's Vibration'. He did not understand why it was important to be ‘In the Light’. How did he know that going to the Light wouldn’t make him food for a higher species? He had seen a Star Trek episode once where one of the characters avoided the Light so as not to be eaten. How did he know this was not a reality? How can any of us know?

People are drawn to different colors of Light. To some it is supposed to be White. Others prefer Gold or Violet. Still others prefer a Crystalline Light.

Everyone has their own concept of what ’The Light’ is. To some people, The Light is God, or a Higher Power. To some it is just Energy.

The person I was trying to explain this to does not believe in a ‘God’ and is not sure about a Higher Power. He had no concept of what it meant and I was stumped as to how to explain it.

Finally, one of my Guides gave me the answer. LOVE.

LOVE is a concept everyone can understand! We all know what love feels like. LOVE is not necessarily related to ‘God’ or a Higher Power. LOVE is a concept that anyone can grasp - Atheist, Christian, Buddhist, Agnostic, etc. LOVE is not a religion and does not have any dogma attached to it. LOVE is understood in any language and any belief system. LOVE is a feeling that we can all relate to.

We all experience LOVE. We feel LOVE for people and pets. We feel LOVE when we look at the first flower of spring. We feel LOVE when we look at a gorgeous sunset. We feel LOVE when we see a newborn baby. We feel LOVE when we connect with 'God'.

We can all accept that it is better to love others. When we live in the energy of LOVE, our vibration increases. When our vibration increases, we become LIGHT or LOVE. They are one and the same. When we send LOVE to a situation, it improves. When we send LOVE to an area of our life that is not working, it improves. When we send LOVE to a part of our body that is in pain, the pain lessens.

So, instead of attempting to explain Light to people, speak about LOVE. They will definitely be able to understand what you are talking about. Instead of trying to bring people into The Light, bring them to LOVE. It will be much less complicated.

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