"Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great." ~ Comte DeBussy-Rabutin

“Dalam cinta sejati, kamu menginginkan yang terbaik dari seseorang.

Dalam cinta yang romantis, seseorang itulah yang murni kamu inginkan.”

Margaret Anderson

Quotes of the Day

“Pembuktian cinta terbaik adalah kepercayaan.”

Dr. Joyce Brothers

"Love builds bridges where there are none." ~ R. H. Delaney

Qoutation this day

“ Dua orang yang saling mencintai hanyalah dua orang yang sebenarnya sanggup untuk hidup sendiri-sendiri tapi memutuskan untuk hidup bersama.”

~ M. Scott Peck

"Only when we give joyfully, without hesitation or thought of gain, can we truly know what love means."

~ Leo Buscaglia

All You Need Is Love

All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
All you need is love (all together now)
All you need is love (everybody)
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.

I am sure you have all heard this Beatles' song. Some of the Beatles music was very spiritually profound for the time.

I recently attempted to explain to someone the meaning of 'The Light' and 'Increasing One's Vibration'. He did not understand why it was important to be ‘In the Light’. How did he know that going to the Light wouldn’t make him food for a higher species? He had seen a Star Trek episode once where one of the characters avoided the Light so as not to be eaten. How did he know this was not a reality? How can any of us know?

People are drawn to different colors of Light. To some it is supposed to be White. Others prefer Gold or Violet. Still others prefer a Crystalline Light.

Everyone has their own concept of what ’The Light’ is. To some people, The Light is God, or a Higher Power. To some it is just Energy.

The person I was trying to explain this to does not believe in a ‘God’ and is not sure about a Higher Power. He had no concept of what it meant and I was stumped as to how to explain it.

Finally, one of my Guides gave me the answer. LOVE.

LOVE is a concept everyone can understand! We all know what love feels like. LOVE is not necessarily related to ‘God’ or a Higher Power. LOVE is a concept that anyone can grasp - Atheist, Christian, Buddhist, Agnostic, etc. LOVE is not a religion and does not have any dogma attached to it. LOVE is understood in any language and any belief system. LOVE is a feeling that we can all relate to.

We all experience LOVE. We feel LOVE for people and pets. We feel LOVE when we look at the first flower of spring. We feel LOVE when we look at a gorgeous sunset. We feel LOVE when we see a newborn baby. We feel LOVE when we connect with 'God'.

We can all accept that it is better to love others. When we live in the energy of LOVE, our vibration increases. When our vibration increases, we become LIGHT or LOVE. They are one and the same. When we send LOVE to a situation, it improves. When we send LOVE to an area of our life that is not working, it improves. When we send LOVE to a part of our body that is in pain, the pain lessens.

So, instead of attempting to explain Light to people, speak about LOVE. They will definitely be able to understand what you are talking about. Instead of trying to bring people into The Light, bring them to LOVE. It will be much less complicated.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Claudia_McNeely

The Flavor of Love

The flavor of love is a tangled twisted insane mixed up game, that lover's may do to one another to test there love for one another, Some of those things only you could imagine, because everyone is guilty of it in some way or another.

A game is a game but when you put some one to the test, and they fail well it shows all and lets the true color's shine. But you also have to take in consideration of the fact that you are guilty aswell just by testing.

But some some times you cant help your self, and you just have to know how much does this person love me. The flavor of love is a test worth testing on any lover.

If your in a relationship and your unsure about your lovers sincerity an want to know if there a no good double crossing cheater, "put'em to the test" the flavor of love test.

You seen the the flavor of love show, all those girls going through hell just to prove how much they really want to be with flava flav the rap star, Well would you do all that in real life to prove your love for someone. Those girls had a more tougher time then you realize because they only showed half of what really happened.

The Flavor of Love:
Not an ice cream flavor, not a candy, and definitely not candy corn. The flavor of love is truly one of a kind life test brought buy the person that loves you most, you never know when it's going to happened, so it's almost impossible to be prepared.

Love love love love love, with out flavor it's just the same old boring simple love, but when you ad flavor the taste gets so much better and more enjoyable. That you cant but help your self to it over and over again. If you want to ad flavor to your love spice it up a little bit ad flavor to it.

The flavor of love is game to remember and a test to never forget. If you want to know more about the flavor of love please visit the site and brace your self for a new way to impress your lover.

The Flavor of Love is game to remember and a test to never forget. If you want to know more about The Flavor of Love please visit the site and brace your self for a new way to impress your lover.

By Adam P Archer

The Law of Love

Love is its own law. Let love be your guiding principle. When in doubt, listen to your heart. Don’t allow mental concepts, beliefs, or assumptions that are not based on love to dictate your behaviour. You are the source of love. The love inside you is abundant and eternal. You don’t need to beg, control, or compromise in order to be loved.

The more you focus on love and gratitude, the more you will be surrounded by love. If you complain, blame, and dwell on fear, you’ll attract others who are also resentful, angry, and fearful. Love knows no borders and no boundaries. Love includes everyone and everything.

Love takes no position, rising above separation. Find unity within by resolving the conflicts inside yourself and you won’t have to act them out with another. Let telling the truth about who you are and what you are feeling and thinking be your foundation.

Vulnerable self-disclosure allows for empathy and understanding. The more truth is shared the more love grows.

Love is a state of consciousness available only when you’re willing to relinquish your defences. Protection is a barrier to love. Love cannot be given or taken but it can be shared. The vibration of love in you is often stimulated when you come into contact with one who carries it. It’s ok to make mistakes. Very few humans are able to love perfectly. Forgive yourself and others generously and you will experience such a shift of energy.

There is nothing to fear but fear itself”. We often have a programme running that we are not even aware of, which is protecting ourselves with fear.

One of the reasons we become so fearful, is that we have programmed with the habit of Protecting Ourselves with Fear. .

The law of love ensures that you see this universal truth. You cannot leave an experience permanently unless you exit with love and allowance.

That is why people tend to keep repeating the same types of patterns; until the day they stop resisting, and instead embrace it with love.

This could be a money, health or relationship issue. You cannot leave a situation permanently until you exit it with love. You cannot permanent.

WHAT IS LOVE? Love is energy. It is the foundation of all things. It is acknowledging that there is no separation. Love is expansive.

Anything that puts you in touch with your knowing opens the Heart.

By Melody Bass

Can Everybody Love?

Most of the youngsters can be found claming that they have fallen in love. They have experienced love. Is loving someone so easy? Can everybody love? Are youngsters really in love?

Love. What is its definition? Love means understanding, caring, forgiving, forgetting. Giving, doing and sacrificing. When we love someone we understand that person.. We give him unconditional care. Even if he hurts us intentionally or unintentionally we keep our ego aside and forgive him. We not only forgive him but forget and proceed ahead. We try to give him whatever he wants without any selfish motive. We wish do everything for him. If there is any need we are ready to sacrifice even our love for him.

Loving someone is not as easy as we think. We have to forget ourselves for loving someone. We have to dedicate ourselves to him. We have to be ready to be with him in every thick and thin. It is the most difficult path. And even the thought of difficulties which we may have to face is enough to make many of us stumble down.

Everybody has the right to love but one or two out of ten are able to do love. Most of the people by mistake think their infatuation is their love. Infatuation may be because of physical attraction, same thinking pattern or same aim. But infatuation does not go for long. As soon as we find a better person we again fall in infatuation.

“We rarely fall in love but we often fall in infatuation.” - Vanshika

By Vanshika Anand

What is Love?

  • Love is like a disease - it will put tow people in one bed.
  • Love is like the sky – There are no limits.
  • Love is like mathematics – you always have to proof it.
  • Love is like a treasure – hard to find. Easy to loose
  • Love is like an ocean – it will get very deep.
  • Love is like a war – easy to start. Hard to finish.
  • Love is like a dream – it will stop right at the best part.
  • Love is like a balloon – if you press to hard, it will explode.
  • Love is like a shower – sometimes it is hot and wet and other times cold and droopy.
  • Love is like an apple – you need to be careful of the poisoned part.
  • Love is like a fire – very difficult to control it. Sometimes it is hot and sometimes it will burn you
  • Love is like a movie – sometime it will end good and sometimes bad.
  • Love is like a glass – you need to be careful not the brake it.
  • Love is like a tower of cards – it can fall down in any minute.
  • Love is like taking a bath – at the end it will get cold.
  • Love is like a pizza – it come always with extras.
  • Love is like a magic key – it will open all the secret doors.
  • Love is like an arrow – you might hit or miss.
  • Love is like a dream – sometimes it is very hard to make up.
  • Love is like a wish – you won’t always get what you wish for.
  • Love is like air – it will feel your lungs.
  • Love is like a puzzle game – it takes time to build it up.
  • Love is like a lollypop – sometime sticky and sometimes sweet.
  • Love is blind – it sees what it wants to.
By Yair Czitrom

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Yair_Czitrom